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新光三越 西門 2016 週年慶 信用卡 優惠


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路透社報導,美國地質調查所(U.S. GeologicalSurvey)指出,這起規模6.2的強震,發生於當地時間凌晨3時36分,位置鄰近溫布利亞(Umbria)的城鎮諾西亞(Norcia)。



  • 2016年8月24日週三 台北標準時間下午2時39分

    義大利中部強震規模6.2 至少73死百人失蹤 避暑山城淪廢墟如世界末日
    義大利強震 曾毀阿西西聖方濟各教堂
    義大利6.2強震120死 小鎮「一分為二」
    為強震致哀 義足球開賽前默哀1分鐘

  • 統領百貨 週年慶 DM>

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  • 國泰世華 亞洲萬里通卡 2016 周年慶 抽家電>


    溫布利亞居民莫桑提尼(Lina Mercantini)說:「地震好大,躺在床上時,感覺床好像長腳一樣,從房間這頭移到另一頭。」

    中信 南紡夢時代卡 2016 周年慶 時間

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    台北101 週年慶 滿額贈

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    新光三越 桃園站前 2016 周年慶 抽汽車

    This still image taken from video shows rescuers searching a collapsed building in Amatrice, central Italy, where a 6.1 earthquake struck just after 3:30 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016. The quake was ... 較多This still image taken from video shows rescuers searching a collapsed building in Amatrice, central Italy, where a 6.1 earthquake struck just after 3:30 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016. The quake was felt across a broad section of central Italy, including the capital Rome where people in homes in the historic center felt a long swaying followed by aftershocks. (AP Photo) 較少

    消防局發言人卡里(Luca Cari)表示,受災嚴重的城鎮據信為阿古莫里(Accumoli)、阿馬特里切(Amatrice)、坡士塔(Posta)與特朗托(Arquata delTronto),直升機日出後就會前往災區。

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    var LIGHTBOX_DARLA_CONFIG ={"useYAC":0,"usePE":0,"servicePath":"","xservicePath":"","beaconPath":"","renderPath":"","allowFiF":false,"srenderPath":"","renderFile":"","sfbrenderPath":"","msgPath":"","cscPath":"","root":"__darla","edgeRoot":"","sedgeRoot":"","version":"2-9-9","tpbURI":"","hostFile":"","beaconsDisabled":true,"rotationTimingDisabled":true}var t_MediaGalleryBobaSpotlight_start = new Date().getTime();台銀信用卡 2016 週年慶 滿額贈

    Associated Press

  • 距震央約170公里的羅馬居民,也在地震中被晃醒。而在地震過後1小時,震央附近又有一起規模5.5的餘震。(中央社翻譯)

    新竹SOGO 周年慶 抓寶 優惠

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